The equipment master module can manage any piece of equipment quickly and easily.

With Quality Link Software, you can keep track of every piece of measurable equipment and maintain all calibration records, with just the click of a button. Not only can you view full calibration history per gauge, but you can set up a calibration schedule for each measurable/measuring device in your organization. Then, our intuitive calibration module will email you a reminder when a the equipment is near its calibration due date.

Going beyond calibration, you can easily create complete preventive maintenance schedules. You can create any type of maintenance schedule you need, and then assign it to your equipment. So there’s never any doubt, you can attach your third-party calibration certificates to any calibration record.

With increased ability to stay on top of all your calibrations and maintenance, you could enjoy a reduction of liability insurance by 30 to 40 percent.




Maintain & manage in-service & key equipment via maintenance schedules
  • Key Equipment
  • In-Service | Out of Service
  • Maintenance Schedules
  • Calibration Schedules


We needed a system where we could create documents, retain documents, edit documents, approve documents, acknowledge changes and review documents, in other words taking documents from, “cradle to the grave”, easily and effectively. Quality Link did just that.
If you are starting a Quality Management System from scratch this system will be very useful. Most organizations, like ours, already have or had pieces and parts of the system in place so we were able to use Quality Link to implement what was missing.
Quality Link personnel are willing to work with you and are open to suggestions for future upgrades. Patient safety and satisfaction is our highest priority and Quality Link gives us the structure to do so.
In trying economic times where healthcare resources are low and quality services are of the upmost importance, it is essential to have a system in place to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of your provided services - we chose Quality Link
We needed to standardize our documentation to ensure all documents have the same information throughout our lab. Quality Link allows us to do all the basic steps of document control and also allows us to customize different templates for our policies, procedures, forms and work-aids.
Since the purchase we have become a system wide laboratory with eight hospital based laboratories. In the struggle of standardizing documentation, Quality Link has been helpful with categorizing the documentation for each facility.
Our ultimate future plan is to go completely paperless throughout system, using Quality Link as our tool to look up all policies and procedures. With the laboratory standards getting more stringent we have started focusing on a few other modules within Quality Link.


The trial version of Quality Link is a fully functional copy, complete with a sample quality system and tutorial. Customized private DEMO is with a live person, one-one-one. Schedule your FREE DEMO today!

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